Sunday, September 5, 2010

Calvin and Hobbes

I like Calvin and Hobbes. It would be awesome to have a stuffed cat that comes to life and can speak english and being able to make cool snow men and snow stuff and to be able to make inventions out of cardboard boxes. Boy I wish my stuffed cat turned into a life sized cougar since that's what my cat would be. I must find the secret on how Calvin did it but it won't happen. Well here's a couple of strips for you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Were leaving tomorrow

My friend got tickets to a sea hawk game except he couldn't get them in odd numbers so they got six tickets to an game against the packers and he could invite a friend over and guess who he invited (duh) and we might go 2 hours early for autographs and stuff like that. And I'm going TOMORROW!!!! And after that when we get back I get to stay at his house. One problem me and my friend will be routing for separate teams (but it isn't really a problem since that's one of the things that makes us friends). Go SEA HAWKS!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hippe Man by:Joey

I'm starting to make some money I'm becoming a cartoonist like Jim Davis it's called (read the title people) I'm working on making five comics so the publishers have more to choose from Hippe Man is about a Hippe who is a terrible singer and doesn't have a van and after one guy joins him a whole bunch of other people want to join him and the guy that joins him sings like Elvis Presley literally. If the publishers like the comic and give me ten dollars a day I'll have 120 bucks by the end of the twelfth day it may not be a lot to adults (and my one of my friends) but to kids like me who don't have that much dough I'm a billionaire. Now don't think this is gonna become a Hippe Man website when it's in the comics.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shueshwap lake

Man have I been busy this summer I've never had time to blog at all but that's not what this blog is about. We went to Shuswap lake. We always go there for a family gathering every August. We just got back yesterday and we stayed for five days (you do the math not me) it's super fun because every day we always have these big meals like for breakfast we will always have stuff like french toast and blueberries or scones and cinnamon buns an pancakes and this is what everyone in the family waits for Rollacoocan (I think that's how you spell it) it isn't a word because someone in our family created it it's basically this super good bread with salt on it and it doesn't even taste like bread it has salt on it and you can put peanut butter and jelly on it or syrup and you can also have watermelon to. And it's super fun swimming in the water we used to have to docks but we connected them so now it's one dock with two diving boards and two ladders. Then there's the bug bites we all get them except there mostly duck mites in the water.And the picture of the cabin is our family cabin that our family built when my mom was a kid. Well that's my vacation.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tell your friends

This is just a little notice. I need some more people to read my blog so tell your friends.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Just one word probably doesn't make sense till I talk about it. (And I should know that since I learned that two years ago) I am thinking about writing a book write now but first I asked my mom if she had any examples of a kid that wrote a book. Well she didn't but she was positive there was or is a kid in the world that wrote a book well that just made me feel even more nervous on the book thing (although it would be kinda cool to have almost the whole world read a story I wrote) I might just have to call this blog a book at the same time as calling it a blog but that would just mess things up and make everyone confused (and I don't need chaos in my summer time). Plus writing a book and a blog at the same time would be pretty tough on me so I'm going to have to wait until I've got tons of posts on this thing and that's gonna take a while till I have time to write one and that just brings more stress on me (hmmm maybe I should of called this post book stress).

Monday, May 31, 2010

AFV struggle

AFV stands for America's Funniest Home Videos and as you have read we are having a struggle with it. We love to watch all the screaming and pain and just plain weird stuff but our struggle is that we have trouble with sending in our movies. We know how to do it it's just...well maybe I should explain the problem while you watch these clips okay...good.

This one we are going to send this in but we never have time to send in the paper work.

This one shows that acting it out and planning it makes it look extra fake.

As you can see the title matches the post.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


So this post is not about Yoda the all powerful jedi instead he's my dog. Some of you have heard of him on my mom's blog anyway. Yoda (dog) is now 10 weeks old. We got him two weeks ago on Friday (Hey I was busy) and he's finally barked. The first time he barked was last week the first! (or was that two... anyway) he is starting to stop shaking and is super energetic after a nap and always starts biting my hair when I'm lying down on the floor. Hopefully he doesn't end up like our old dog Maya but that's a different story. He like's walks but not after one on a wet day cause then we have to give him a bath and yesterday he got almost the whole counter wet. Well when you hear one of us in town call a little Chihuahua Yoda don't get the wrong idea and think we've got bad eye sight okay.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Family

I have a pretty cool family with a mom,dad,brother,and sister. My mom, Kelly,  lot's of you know probably because she owns Sole Obsession footwear she's lot's of fun and knows a lot about shoes and feet (of course because if she didn't how could she run the store ?) And my dad,Robb, is lot's of fun to and he works at the high school at Lynden Christan (were me and my siblings go to school) and works with the international program there and is one of the coaches of the football team.Then my little sister,Autumn, who is fun and is funny at sometimes and is always remembering things like our birthdays and where the towels are and more stuff like that. Then that leaves me with my little brother Riley who is the youngest which has an awesome sense of humor and likes, no loves, the movie StarWars (really who doesn't) and really likes football. Being the oldest isn't easy but I've survived so far and it's kinda fun to but we sometimes are pretty strange like instead of  Riley being the punching bag in the house I am! Me the oldest getting beaten up by my little brother who is only about three feet tall! I can't even believe it sometimes. Well that's the info on my family guess it isn't really normal but that's one of the things I like about it so I guess you'll have to live with it.

Summer is coming

It's getting to summer, it's light outside at like 8:00 and 9:00 p.m., it's starting to get to high temperatures, and kids my age and older and younger are waiting and planning for summer. I've been always thinking about field day at school and going to my grandparents house and swimming in pools but better not get my hopes up. But I do know I will be going down to Oregon and visit my grandparents cause I always do every summer and we always have fun (we is me my brother and sister and my mom and dad) because their's a pool where they live so we always bring our swimming suits in the summer knowing the pool is open. The pool mostly is open in summer cause what's the point of having the pool open when it would freeze or get filled with leaves. So I guess I'll end with just saying that, it's  May and that summer is coming to town!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Desprate fishing

Yesterday I went fishing with my dad and my brother Riley and someone from church named Ryan Klineman and his kid Nathaniel that is age 6 We went in this cool fishing boat. We all thought we were going to get skunked(wouldn't catch anything) so are dads started getting serious they grabbed the fishing poles and started fishing my dad finally caught a fish on his line I grabbed the net and it was caught. So after that we caught no more fish so we had to leave. So that is my fishing trip. One more thing I was kinda tired and I almost fell asleep.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My life

This is the first post for my blog and I shall start with the basics. I am 10 years old,(I know what your thinking this will be some boring blog about kid stuff that you adults wouldn't know about so keep reading and you'll find out if it is) I'm in the
4th grade, (of course) and I am good at blogging(which is going to answer your question soon). I have got the blogging gift. I got it from my mom and that's also where I got the idea of this blog. She is the owner of Sole Obsession Footwear and she started to make a new blog other side of sole . It's basically is about the life outside of her business. And that's were I got this idea(Those who are reading this that have kids that are in the fourth grade at Lynden Christan can let their kids read this because they might know me).